About CASPIAN University

Caspian University is a multidisciplinary university and is positioned on the market of educational services as a university providing quality, continuing education under the programs of pre-secondary education (college), bachelor and Magistracy (University). Caspian University provides training in 18 specialties of bachelor’s degree, 6 specialties of Magistracy, 2 specialities of doctoral PhD.

Caspian Universities has professionalism as one of the core values and adherence to the highest professional and ethical standards. The university capitalises on Innovation as a source of new knowledge generation and learning technology. Being the owners of the national quality mark “Flawless”, Caspian University today is the guarantor of quality education, striving to meet high standards of international level.

About CISM

Medical Education is in demand today and will be further demanded in the field of interdisciplinary research and healthcare. The sole purpose of providing medical education today is to increase the number of doctors in patient’s services and medical research and overcome this shortage in various parts of the world with quality training.

This need has led Caspian University to ascertain Caspian International School of Medicine under the University Umbrella. The medical school will encompass state of the art lecture halls, and modern learning facilities. The college will house multiple medical faculty departments along with well-equipped laboratories and training centres.

Get Admission in CISM


Training of highly qualified medical professionals, competitive and in demand in the world community.


A research international medical school that trains healthcare professionals through the integration of education, science and clinics, dynamically developing and responsive to the needs and expectations of society


ADMISSION OF SPECIAL EXAMS WILL END on 08/24/2024, at 12:00!!!

Acceptance of incoming documents and conducting a special test for admission in the direction of «Healthcare» is carried out in the period from June 20 to August 24 of the calendar year in an online format.
Below you will find a link to register and take a special (psychological test) by passing an assessment of your readiness to study in the direction of "Healthcare":
Special test: click


The University offers an outstanding and comprehensive array of academic programs. These include undergraduate schools, graduate and professional schools, arenowned medical centre, state of the art libraries, and research centres and institutes.

Educational Program 6B10128 "General medicine"

Mission of the Program: a preparation of comprehensively developed competitive bachelor of health care with high social responsibility, capable of highly qualified professional activity and learning throughout the life, while meeting the needs and expectations of community.

Educational Program 6В10124 – Medicine (Continuous Integrated Medical Education)

The program contains integration of different levels of education (bachelor's degree, internship and mastership). At the end of 6 years of study, the graduate will be awarded a diploma with the qualification of Medical Doctor, and an academic master's degree will be awarded. Duration – 6 years.

Educational Program 7M10101 – Medicine (scientific-pedagogical directions) masterships

Training of qualified specialists for professional and pedagogical activities, capable of organizing and conducting scientific research in medicine, in demand in the international community. Duration – 2 years.

Educational Program 7M10101 – Medicine (scientific-pedagogical directions)

Masterships. Training of qualified specialists for professional and pedagogical activities, capable of organizing and conducting scientific research in medicine, in demand in the international community. Duration – 2 years.

Educational Program 7M10110 – Medicine (profile area)

Masterships. Training of specialists capable of organizing and conducting scientific research in medicine in demand in the international community Duration 1 year.

Educational Program 7R01127 – Ophthalmology (pediatrics’, adult’s )

To train competitive qualified specialists who meet modern requirements for the quality of ophthalmologists. Duration- 3 years.


Our learned faculties oversee teaching, academic development and research in our departments and schools while developing strong partnerships with medical industry.


  • 1. Information and communication technologies
  • 2. Kazakh language
  • 3. Russian language
  • 4. Foreign language
  • 5. Physical education
  • 6. Latin language
  • 7. Culturology
  • 8. Political science
  • 9. Sociology
  • 10. Psychology
  • 11. Modern history of Kazakhstan
  • 12. Philosophy
  • 13. Communication Skills and Behavior
  • 14. Anantomy
  • 15. Physiology
  • 16. Chemistry
  • 17. Biology
  • 18. Biochemistry
  • 19. Histology
  • 20. Public health
  • 21. Pharmacology
  • 22. Microbiology
  • 23. Pathological anatomy
  • 24. Pathological physiology
  • 25. Phylosophy
  • 26. Academic culture
  • 27. Introduction to the profession
  • 28. Legal basis of business


  • 1. Visual diagnostics and radiology
  • 2. Emergency medical care
  • 3. Clinical pharmacology
  • 4. Infectious diseases
  • 5. Dermatovenerology
  • 6. Phthisiology
  • 7. Forensic medicine
  • 8. Anesthesiology and intensive care
  • 9. Fundamentals of scientific research
  • 10. Surgical diseases
  • 11. Maxilofacial surgery
  • 12. Pediatric surgery
  • 13. Opthalmology
  • 14. Otorhinolaryngology
  • 15. Urology
  • 16. Traumatology and orthopedics
  • 17. Clinical anatomy of internal organs
  • 18. Cardiology
  • 19. Gastroenterology
  • 20. Endocrinology
  • 21. Pulmonology
  • 22. Obstetrics
  • 23. Pediatrics
  • 24. Oncology
  • 25. Oncogynecology
  • 26. Psychiatry and narcology
  • 27. Gynecology


Myrzakhmetova Botakoz

Phd, associate professor,
General and organic chemistry,

Rafail Kipshakbaev

PhD, Asssociate professor,
teacher of Evidence based medicine,
biostatistics, fundamentals of
scientific research

Dinara Kenessary

PhD, Associate professor,
Teacher of epidemiology,
general hygiene

Altyn M. Aringazina

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Sc.D,
Ph.D., M.D., Professor
WHO Consultant
Member of the IUHPE
European Committee
Teacher of Public Health

Aisina Gyulnaz

Teacher of Academic Culture

Berikova Elmira

Phd, associate professor,

Mairash Baimuratova

Candidate of medical science,
associate professor,

Beisenov Bekzat

MMedSci (Master of Medical
science), senior-lecturer,
Traumatology and

Sagantayeva Svetlana

Latin language

Mirsaliyev Mirkhoshim

and intensive care

Seitova Aigerim


Ulbossyn Jumatova

General immunology,
allergology, virology

Nurbekova Akmaral

MD (Doctor of Medical
Sciences), Academic professor,

Sagitova Marzhan

of academic department

Karybayeva Ainur

Philosophy, Cultural studies,
Political science

Ayazbekov Ermek

MD (Doctor of Medical Sciences),
Academic professor,
Pediatric Surgery

Salem Estai

Teacher of fundamentals of
General Medical Sciences,

Каshikova Khadisha

PhD, Associated professor
General oncology
with basics of the
radiation therapy

Academic Documents

Academic calendar: 1st course (winter) Academic calendar for the 2024-2025 a.y, 2024-2025, 2023-2024, 2023-2024, 1st course Academic calendar for the 2023-2024 a.y. 1st course (winter) Academic calendar for the 2023-2024 a.y

Strategic devlopment plan of Caspian International School of Medicine for 2021-2026 years: link

Certificate: link

Apply Now

Book Free Counseling

Get An Experts' Guidance
Eligibility Criteria
  • Student Should fulfill the eligibility by their country govt. policies for studies MBBS abroad
  • English language- medium
  • Total grant 50% and above
  • Mandatory subjects- biology, chemistry, physics
  • For the rest of the countries – entry requirements in accordance with the rules of medical council of the concerned country
Admission Process
Step 1
  • Application for enrollment
  • Questionnaire
  • Marksheet (copies)
  • Passport
  • Photo
Step 2
  • On-line interview
  • In case of successful completing step 1 and 2 then the student receives the Official invitation from University
Step 3
  • Original documents (marksheet, passport)
  • Medical check-up list
  • Tuition payment receipt
Download Application Form

Ismailov Zhumagali Kazybaevich

Director of CISM.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Akimbayeva Zhanar Meyramovna

MD, PhD, associated professor
Vice - director got clinical affairs

Chyngyshpaeva Yulia, PhD

Vice Director for Strategic Development and International Affairs

Email: chyngyshpaeva.yulia@cu.edu.kz


Rupal Najhawan

Managing Director

Email: najhawan.rupal@cu.edu.kz


Zholdybayeva Aisulu

Vice director for academic and scientific affairs



Nurelbaeva Alfiya

Head of the Student Affairs Department

Ivannikov Mikhail

IT specialist

Omarova Aliya Abayevna

Office registration

Bakirova Bibigul Abdimanapovna

Head of academic department

Rakhmanova Ainur

Students' affairs department

Serik Elmira

Head of office registrar

Batasheva Venera Hismetovnay

specialist of academic department

Dr. Gundala Vidya Kumar

Vice-dean for international affiars of India

Dr. Khawaja Arslan

Vice-Dean For International Affairs

Seitkhazy Nurym Muhammetuly

Specialist for passport and visa work

Oraz Anel Maratqyzy

Specialist of students’ affairs department

Amanbayeva Gulnara Abdugalievna

Senior specialist of academic department

Tumenbayeva Aisha Meirambekovna

Specialist of office registrar
Our Hospitals

Multi-Specialty Hospital of Almaty

Affiliated University's Hospital
Multi-Specialty Hospital of Almaty with it's Robust Infrastructure and World Class Treatment. Photo.

Clinical bases

To Conduct the Practical Studies for the Students.

Almaty Cancer Center
Medical center "Optalmo-Medical"
"Mental Health Center", Almaty
"Almaty regional multidisciplinary clinic" UZ of Almaty region
"Almaty regional skin and venereological dispensary"
"Ili Central District Hospital"
"Almaty Regional Children's Clinical Hospital"
Medical Clinic of MVSM "Vedanta", Bishkek
CKS Hospital “Multispecialty hospital”, Jaipur, India)
IBS Hospital ( for Brain Tumour Surgery & Spine Surgery), New Delhi India

Student Medical Center

Students’ Primary Medical Care and Diagnostics. Photo.


get in touch with CISM

Website Visitor Count : 25


г. Алматы, Достык 85 А, пр. Сейфуллина, 521

Email Id : foreign.admission@cu.edu.kz

Trust box : foreign.admission@cu.edu.kz

Correspondence : cism@cu.edu.kz

Psychological Support for Students

Psychological Support for Students
We understand that being a student can be both exciting and challenging, and at times, it can feel overwhelming. Our Psychological Support Services are here to provide confidential, empathetic, and professional assistance to help students manage stress, anxiety, academic pressures, and other mental health concerns.
Our team of trained counselors and psychologists are available to help you navigate through emotional challenges, improve coping strategies, and promote your overall well-being. Whether you’re struggling with personal issues, feeling overwhelmed by your academic workload, or simply need someone to talk to, we are here to support you every step of the way.
Services Offered:
• Individual Counseling: Private sessions to discuss and address personal concerns.
• Group Support: Opportunities to connect with peers facing similar challenges.
• Stress Management: Techniques to manage anxiety, burnout, and academic pressure.
• Crisis Intervention: Immediate support during difficult or emergency situations.
We encourage all students to prioritize their mental health. Don’t hesitate to reach out for support—taking the first step can make a world of difference.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact us
Dr. Esimov Nabi Bolatovich cism-edu.kz@mail.ru, trust.box@cu.edu.kz , +7 702 296 2888
Student Council Department, mental health society

Electronic Educational Media Proceum

Students and teachers of CISM has an exclusive access to the electronic educational media Proceum. Students of CISM using Proceum

Students’ scientific research project

At present, there are for acting students’ scientific research project:
1. Hypoxic training for the correction of the stress conditions in the process of adaptation to studies
Head of the project: Erlan A.E.
2. Program analysis of postcovid rehabilitation programs: problems and development vectors.
Head of the project: Mirsaliev M.M.
3.COVID 19 Survivor Study: Health Literacy, Digital Healthy Dietary Literacy, Resilience, Health-Related Behaviors, Physical and Psychological Health, Quality of Life.
Head of the project: PhD Aringazina A.M.
3. Psychological characteristics of the participants of student bullying among foreign students of medical universities
Head of the project: Myrzakhmentova B.B.

Students’ council

Students who have any issues can address to the secretary of Students’ council Ms. Rucha Sunil Mali:

Tel: +919075860800
On 23rd February there will be the 4th counsillium dedicated to the Strategy of women’s held conducted by Asssociate professor of CISM- Dr. Rafail Kipshakbaev

Trust box for students

Dear students,
Regarding any issues please use our trust box on Seyfulina 521, 5 th floor.
Also, you can address any concern on the email:
And help line number:
+ 7 700 79 00 907
All of your concerns will be considered and investigated in a short time.
